What is liver transplantation in vijayawada?

Liver transplantation surgery is a crucial surgical procedure where a diseased liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a donor. This life-saving surgery is often the last resort for patients with severe liver disease or acute liver failure when all other treatments have failed.

What are the indications for liver transplant surgery?

Liver transplantation is primarily indicated for:

  1. Chronic liver disease: conditions such as liver cirrhosis from hepatitis c, hepatitis b, alcohol abuse, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
  2. Acute liver failure: sudden liver failure due to drug toxicity (like acetaminophen overdose) or viral hepatitis.
  3. Liver cancer: patients with localized liver cancer may qualify for liver transplantation if the cancer has not spread.
  4. Genetic liver diseases: disorders like Wilson’s disease or hemochromatosis, which affect liver function.
  5. Autoimmune liver diseases: conditions such as primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
liver transplantation

What are the types of liver transplantation?

Liver transplants in vijayawada can be categorized into several types based on the source of the donor organ and the relationship between the donor and recipient. These include:

  1. Deceased donor liver transplant: the most common type, where the healthy liver is procured from a deceased individual who has previously consented to organ donation.
  2. Living donor liver transplant: in this procedure, a portion of the healthy liver is surgically removed from a living donor, typically a family member or close relative, and transplanted into the recipient.
  3. Split liver transplant: a deceased donor's liver is divided into two segments, with one portion transplanted into an adult recipient and the other into a pediatric recipient, maximizing the use of available donor organs.
  4. Auxiliary liver transplant: a partial liver transplant where a portion of a healthy donor liver is implanted alongside the recipient's diseased liver, allowing both organs to function until the recipient's native liver regenerates sufficiently.

Pre-transplant evaluation: What to expect

Before being placed on the liver transplant list, patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation:

  1. Medical assessment: tests to evaluate the severity of liver disease and overall health.
  2. Psychosocial evaluation: assessment of mental health, social support, and ability to adhere to post-surgery care.
  3. MELD score: placement on the transplant list is determined by the model for end-stage liver disease (meld) score, which assesses liver disease severity.

What is the procedure for liver transplant surgery?

Liver transplantation surgery is a complex procedure, here is the step-by-step overview:

  1. Duration: the surgery typically lasts 6 to 12 hours.
  2. Procedure: the diseased liver is removed, and the donor liver is implanted. Liver transplant surgeons in vijayawada connect blood vessels and bile ducts to the new liver.
  3. Post-operative care: After surgery, patients are monitored in the ICU for potential complications like bleeding, infection, or organ rejection.

post-transplantation care for liver transplant

Post-transplant care is critical for a successful outcome:

  1. Immunosuppressive medications: these drugs prevent the body from rejecting the new liver and must be taken for life.
  2. Regular monitoring: frequent liver function tests and follow-up visits ensure the liver functions well and detect early signs of complications.
  3. Healthy lifestyle: adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol, is essential for long-term success.

What are the risks and complications of liver transplantation surgery in vijayawada?

While liver transplantation is life-saving, it comes with risks:

  1. Organ rejection: body may recognize the new liver as foreign and attempt to reject it.
  2. Infection: due to immunosuppressive therapy, there is an increased risk of infections.
  3. Surgical complications: potential issues include bleeding, bile duct complications, and other surgical risks.

Liver transplantation success rates and long-term outlook

Dr. Veera Abhinav Chinta is the best liver transplant specialist in vijayawada. He has a high success rate in liver transplantation surgery.

Many patients experience significant improvements in quality of life and life expectancy. Regular follow-up care and adherence to medical advice are key to maintaining health post-transplant.


Liver transplantation in vijayawada is a critical option for those suffering from severe liver disease. By understanding the process, risks, and benefits, patients and their families can make informed decisions about this life-saving surgery.

Visit our top-rated gastroenterologist doctor in vijayawada for expert consultations. Your digestive health matters to us. Schedule an appointment today!

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